馥琳 发表于 2021-7-15 09:13:15

唐忠汉丨现代优雅,融创 · 敔山桃源叠墅

台湾近境制作 × 唐忠汉


The Nakajima table is set as the main place for family life. The use of metal mesh components increases the sense of enclosure in the kitchen and creates an open/closed family interaction space.



The folding sliding door serves as the dynamic division between the living room and the teahouse, extending the axis of the living room and making the whole space visually more spacious.



The block is divided according to the function type and recombined. With lines, planes, quantities and other forms of interweaving, under certain rules and principles, burst out a new form of construction, increase the interesting life situation.


The soft and hard collision of the material echoes the change of the volume, and the basic materials derived from nature are adopted to try to present the feeling of natural atmosphere in a new combination form and create a space returning to the original theme.

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Large area of underground space is made of micro cement to restore the nature of the earth through the natural color of the space.

Be in the hustle and bustle of the city life, enjoy a stable and natural living place alone.


With beige warm wood, as the main color tone inside the restrained color, convey the warmth of home away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


People breathe in the natural breath, in the silent place to bring years of shock and soothing power.


The simple language conveyed by the material itself forms a strong contrast with the mirror ceiling, light and shadow -- virtual and real.



Feel the relationship between the beam and column in the original structure. By implanting the quantity body, new spatial relationship feelings are added and functions are given to build a bridge between people, space and architecture, turning the cold space into a warm one.


Based on wood and stone, the two are stacked vertically to introduce a calm and steady feeling of space.


All kinds of natural elements are integrated with each other, inlaid vertically and horizontally between points, lines, and surfaces, and divided proportively between volumes and bodies.

透过重覆的行为 一步一步的进入状态,为日常事物赋予意义,仪式存在最平凡的生活中,上演着一日三餐。

By stepping into the state through repeated actions, giving meaning to everyday things, rituals exist in the most mundane of lives, performing meals.





设计单位:近境制作 设计总监 唐忠汉主创团队:远域生活空间坪数:207㎡融创上海区域集团: 张旻瑜融创上海区域苏南公司研发设计部: 王莉兵 徐金枝





“台式风格”设计代表人物,台湾中生代设计界领军人物 。中原大学室内设计学系结业,其设计重视居家的舒适,以个性鲜明又有质感的设计品味点缀;强调空间的生命力,连结怪异性,融合自然环境和空间。设计风格不受拘束,以”室内建筑”的概念,解构,面对分歧的空间条件,他擅长将光影与空间完美结合,注重创意的实用价值与机能再造,从室内建筑理念解缆,以主题概念与空间述说为辅佐,讲求非概况铺陈,而是追求内在美学展演,塑造诗意的空间。
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查看完整版本: 唐忠汉丨现代优雅,融创 · 敔山桃源叠墅